12 Online Dating Tips and Guidelines for 2024

Last Updated on June 6, 2024

Learn why managing your online dating profiles and image in 2024 has become increasingly more important and how videos and new technology are booming in popularity and helping singles to still find love with these 12 online dating tips to stay safe. 

Dating has changed from what it was 10 years ago, and because of this, more people won’t be willing to meet someone in person until they check out online. 

12 Online Dating Tips and Guidelines for Beginners

How much has the usage of online dating increased? Match Group, which owns Match.com, OkCupid, Tinder, and others have over 9.8 millon paid users as over October 2019. The landscape of the dating world has changed: now 1 in 5 marriages result from online dating. In order to get the most out of using apps, use these online tips to make sure that your online reputation will not scare away potential suitors:

Online Dating Profile Tips: Apps & Managing Your Image

Follow these guidelines to improve your profile on dating apps:

Choose an appropriate picture

This should be obvious but you would be surprised by how many people fail to do this. First impressions are everything, so make sure that you are sending potential suitors the right message. A smile goes a long way, and clothing should be modest.

Keep Your Picture Up to Date

According to an infographic released by MBAPrograms.com, women on average use profile pictures taken 1.5 years earlier, while men use photos that are 6 months old. First impressions go a long way in the dating world, and you can irrevocably damage your reputation before it begins by showing up to a date and looking drastically different than you do in your profile picture.

Provide Insight into Who You Are Your Current Life

In your profile description, make sure to mention personality traits. What are the positive features that your friends would say about you? Online users will also want insight into who you are, and this should be supported by your dating profile images. What are you passionate about? Do you have hobbies? Work should only be a small part of this description.

Google yourself

If you reach out to someone on a dating site, or if someone else is considering contacting you, the other person will likely Google your name to learn more about you. By searching for yourself first, you can make sure that no damaging content appears in the search results. Whether it is an arrest record or even a Tweet from three years ago in which you complained about an ex, unfavorable content will keep you from meeting that special someone face-to-face. Contact Reputation911 right away to find out what kind of negative content is out there about you and to learn how to have it removed. The longer you wait, the more of a hit your reputation will take.

Today’s Online Dating Scene

The growth of the online dating scene comes to a placed importance on reputation. Your online reputation matters more than it did 5 years ago, with websites like DontDateHimGirl.com, ManHaters.com, and TrueDater.com that allow women to document their experiences with specific people, and whether or not to date someone.

But when used correctly, and for the right intentions, online apps can successfully create new opportunities for those who are looking to date.

12 Tips for Beginners Starting to Online Date

When you match and start talking to someone in an online dating app, there will typically be some back-and-forth messaging before arranging a first date idea during which time you may want to remain anonymous to stay safe online

When the first date happens, you’ll want to maintain your reputation from your online conversation. There’s a lot to manage when it comes to your dating reputation, from your behavior, outfit and appearance, your character, and more. Here are some online dating tips for first dates, provided by Lanie Delphin, owner/matchmaker of Mass Match Dating and Matchmaking service:

Avoid Negative Behavior

During your date try to avoid stereotypes, generalizations, negative comments, etc. when getting into discussions. Along those lines, don’t be insulting or display negative behavior. Keep any bitter, cynical, sad, desperate attitude out during the date. No one wants to hear your misery. 

Do Not Share Personal Problems

Avoid sharing or discussing personal problems, including health, money, family, and work troubles should be off the table when getting to know someone new. Don’t go overboard on negatives in your life. The first date is about fun, not therapy. Watch out for “ I’ve had it worse than you conversations.” Not great for budding romances. And no talking about bad dates.

Avoid Talking About Dating History

Do not talk about exes. Avoid using any “we” talk from the past, or displaying nostalgia for past romances. Someone wants a fighting chance to be a part of your life. Along those lines, watch out for “I’ve had it worse than you” dating conversations, or discussing previous bad dates.

Don’t Hint at Dating Agendas

Don’t hint at any dating agenda. For instance, “I plan to get married by 30….”  People don’t want that kind of pressure during a first-date. 

Focus on Your Date

Eliminate all distractions on your date, including turning off your cell phone (unless of course, there are kid emergencies).

Get to Know Your Date

During the date, delve into common areas that are positive…likes, enjoyment, things that make you smile and feel comfortable. Don’t fill space with self-talk, bragging, complaining. If there is a lull in the conversation, ask a fun (not too personal or invasive) question. 

Alcohol Consumption

Watch your alcohol consumption. A little nervousness works better than a lack of inhibitions. 

Show Good Manners

Good manners go a long way. Be gracious to wait, staff, people in line, your date, and other people you may converse with while on a date. Good manners also mean doing things like covering your mouth during a cough or sneeze, chewing with mouth closed and other considerations. Men should wait for the woman and certainly not order any food at a restaurant or bar before they arrive. 

Don’t treat a date like a job interview. 

Job interviews and dates are not the same, and there are many differences between the two scenarios. What could excite a potential employer will probably be a real turn-off to a potential romantic partner.  

How to Dress

Don’t dress too sexy for the first date–you won’t be sending the right message. Wear something clean and nice and look like you made a little effort.

Don’t Go Too Fast on the First Date

Avoid getting hot and heavy right away–no harm comes from taking it slowly. “You can’t go back to holding hands,” as they say.

Don’t Sound Too Busy to Date

Giving off the impression that you’re too busy to date will not sit well with your date. Be mindful of this when talking about work, hobbies, and other obligations.  

How to Handle The Check

When the check comes, you should not fight over the check. Men should offer to pay, and women may offer to split it. Try to eliminate the back and forth, turning it into a battle. Graciously accept if you are a straight woman–you can always offer to go the next round if you think you’ll see them again. Even in this day and age, women expect men to pay. But that doesn’t mean women should seem like a princess. 

Bonus Tip: Don’t Lead People On

If it’s obvious to you that you don’t want to see the person again, don’t gush about how you look forward to your next date. Be polite and diplomatic. Saying “nice meeting you” at the end of the date will do.

How to Stay Safe and Improve Your Dating Reputation Online:

Personal reputation management and protecting your privacy online are now being utilized for more then just professional services and thus in new areas such as online dating, reputation management services can be the prefect fit when and individual needs to clean his or her online image or just promote more positive things to show about themselves. 

About The Author

William DiAntonio is the Founder & CEO of Reputation911, a reputation management firm he founded in 2010 that has earned the trust of its clients for over a decade by helping individuals, businesses and brands control their online search results.

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