5 Tips to Help You Get a New Job in 2024

Last Updated on June 28, 2024

In the current job market, finding a new role can be tough. These 5 tips will help you get a new job, by standing out from other applicants and making a positive impression on employers. From resumes and networking to cover letters and interviews, you will get the career advice you need to land your dream job.

5 Alternative Ways To Land a New Job - Reputation911

Navigating the Post-Pandemic Job Market

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has truly reset the groundwork for job seekers and the job market as a whole. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment is sitting at 9.8 million, which is still much higher than the 5.7 million unemployed in February 2020. There is still heavy competition in the job market, so positioning yourself as the best candidate for the role will be vital during this time.

According to William DiAntonio Founder and CEO of Reputation911, “The internet has impacted the way we find jobs and how employers find us, and we need to use technology to our advantage by searching for companies, not jobs.” DiAntonio is an Internet expert in the field of online reputation and brand management who recently published a blog on what to do before your next job search.

5 Steps to Take Before You Start a Job Search

1. Clean up your online reputation 

Cleaning up your online reputation should be your first course of action before even thinking of applying for new jobs. When potential hiring managers search your name online, what will they find?

Google search results 

Try typing your name into Google. The first page of results you see is also what potential job prospectors can see. The most recent and most popular profiles, links, articles, and images will be some of your top search results. It’s in your best interest to make sure those results are a positive and accurate reflection of your professional image.  

Social media 

Cleaning up your social media profiles is always a good place to start. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are 3 of the most popular social media platforms online. Removing any negative images or text that might be unflattering to your online reputation is a simple way to boost your online reputation score.

2. Perfect your resume 

That leads to step number 2 in getting a new job – perfecting your resume. What will set your resume apart from hundreds of other possible applicants? You have skills and experience that can set you apart from the rest, all you have to do is get it down in writing. Don’t underestimate the power of a clean, concise, and purposeful resume.

Online resume builders

Compiling all of your skills and work experience into a single document might seem challenging, but there are plenty of online resume builders you can use to ease the process. Sites like My Perfect Resume walk you through the process in a few easy steps with visuals along the way. You can choose from various templates and utilize their writing suggestions to help create the perfect resume that will highlight all of your best skills and attributes.

Keep in mind that most larger companies use online systems to sort through applications, referred to as ATS or Applicant Tracking Software. According to Forbes, 98% of fortune 500 companies use ATS. Thankfully, using online resume builders will help guide you to build a resume that best performs in your favor if run through ATS.

Fortune 500 Companies ATS

3. Learn How to network effectively and get the interview

LinkedIn can be a great way to find job openings and network with other professionals. Just like step number one, clean up your online profile and make sure all of your work experience and credentials are up-to-date. Reach out to mutual connections in your field to see if they would be willing to chat with you about your career and see if they can connect you to other professionals, too.

If you have a digital portfolio of published work online, sharing links to it on your LinkedIn profile is not only a great way to increase your online reputation, but it can also be a great way to network and show other professionals your work. You might just end up impressing the right person on LinkedIn!

4. Organize your job search

Okay, you’ve done your prep work, and now you’re ready to begin your job search. Your online reputation is clean, you created a powerful resume, and you’re using LinkedIn to create professional connections. Now, it’s time to start applying. 

If you’re using job-related search engines like Indeed and LinkedIn, it’s easy to lose track of which jobs you’ve applied to, when you applied and how you’re going to follow up. Keeping track of your applications will help you stay organized and level-headed during the job-seeking process.

Create and keep track of small goals. For example, try applying to 3 new jobs a week. Keep track of what job you applied to and where, when you applied, and the contact information you would need to follow up with their hiring department. Hiring a career coach can help guide your job search, and land your dream job. Having a concrete visual and plan for yourself will keep you on track for success!

5. How do I start looking for a new job?

Online job boards are the most common source for finding job postings. Once you’ve applied to a few, try picking up the phone and calling the hiring department or manager. This can really ensure you stand out from other applicants.

In today’s world, people are bombarded with spam and automated messages, so leaving a personalized voicemail about why you’re the best candidate for the role is your best option. Remember to always follow up and stay organized by keeping track of your applications. 

First follow-up step: send email

Make sure your follow-up is written in a polite and professional manner. Tell them your name, when you applied, and your interest in further discussing this new, exciting job opportunity. Notifying them while addressing your experience, professionalism, and initiative to start a conversation might be exactly what they’re looking for and set you above the rest. 

Second follow-up step: make the call

Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call the hiring manager directly. If they don’t pick up, leave an appropriate voicemail and check back in two or three days. You’ve put in the work, now it’s time to reap the rewards!

Remember, each company will have its own unique hiring process. It’s a good idea to pay attention to your email inbox and check your spam folder regularly for any missed communications. Job hunting can be very strenuous and time-consuming, so be patient with yourself and potential employers.

By using these five alternatives, you’ll be on a fast track to success with confidence and ease, and finally, land that new job offer you’ve been dreaming of!

About The Author

William DiAntonio is the Founder & CEO of Reputation911, a reputation management firm he founded in 2010 that has earned the trust of its clients for over a decade by helping individuals, businesses and brands control their online search results.

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