How to Choose a Brand Name with Reputation in Mind

Last Updated on March 8, 2023

Deciding on a brand name is no walk in the park. The success of your business relies heavily on the quality of your products or services, strong branding, and a lot of time and effort.

Your brand name will be the first thing people know about your brand, and whatever their first impression happens to be will leave a lasting mark. Because of this, you want a brand name that is easy to pronounce, easy to understand, and conveys a unified message.

If you’re unsure about your brand name or how to manage your brand’s reputation, keep reading to find out our tips and tricks that could help you.

Does Your Brand Name Matter?

What’s in a name, anyway? The truth is, there’s a lot to be said about choosing a good brand name. Your name (and logo) will most likely be your customers’ first experience with your business. If they’re confused or don’t understand your brand name, it might turn them off from becoming repeat customers or recommending your brand to others.

Plus, you need to make sure your brand name can survive the tides of the internet. Trust us; you don’t want your brand name to become a meme anytime soon. Engage in social listening online to see what internet users are saying about your brand specifically or your keywords related to your business for more insights.

Once you’ve decided on a name for your brand, be sure to have unified branding throughout all aspects of the business. From logo to website design to social media platforms, you want to make sure our branding is cohesive across all channels.

How to Manage your Brand’s Online Presenceweb presence management

So, the next question is, “how do you manage your brand’s online presence, anyways?” The best way to manage your online presence is to create exceptional customer experiences and monitor your brand online, especially by reading online reviews.

A quick search result of your brand name can reveal a lot about your online presence. Search engines are the truth-tellers for what potential customers find about your brand online. Think: review sites, review videos, editorials, social media accounts, and more.

Strong brand reputation management is the best way to manage your online presence. Getting in front of your search results before they impact your brand is the best source of protection for your online identity.

Online Presence Management for Your Brand:

Online reputation management and presence management for your brand can be difficult without a proper strategy in place. Once you know the core identity of your brand, your target customers, and what people are saying about you online, you can better manage your online reputation.

Web presence management 101:

  • develop a unique brand name
  • secure a domain name
  • create social media accounts
  • create cohesive imagery
  • monitor online presence with social listening
  • Use reputation management tools regularly

Step 1: Develop a unique brand name

What types of products or services do you sell? How do you differ from your competitors? What pain points do you solve for customers? These are the types of questions you want to ask your team to help develop your brand name.

You want your brand name to be unique enough to distinguish you from competitors and relate to your industry.

Step 2: Secure a Domain for Your Brand

Part of choosing a brand name in today’s digital age is to ensure a good domain with your business. With the number of websites that exist using a generic or broad name for a brand, you risk your chances of someone else owning that domain. 

Ultimately, you want online users to be able to find your website online. Make sure to check if a domain is available before moving forward with the brand name you choose. 

Step 3: Create and verify social media accounts

Once you’ve developed your brand name, you will want to register that name across all social media platforms. It’s okay if you don’t have a specific content strategy for each account yet; this step ensures that your username isn’t taken when the time comes.

As soon as your social accounts are verified, you’re free to create content and build your business following!

Step 4: Create cohesive brand imagery

Now that your name and socials are secured, it’s time to develop cohesive elements of your brand. This includes logos, color palettes, and creative assets—anything you want to connect people to your brand visually.

You want to ensure all your content and assets match branding for optimal performance.

Step 5: Monitor social listening

Next, you want to monitor your brand’s online presence with social listening. This is most easily done by searching your name on forums like Reddit, Quora, Twitter, and TikTok. You can also utilize Google Alerts (a free mentions tool) to get notified every time your brand name is mentioned online.

This step is crucial to understanding the overall sentiment shared about your brand online. Plus, interacting with customers on social platforms will surely impress them.

Step 6: Use reputation management tools

Reputation management tools, specifically review management, are a great way to further understand the sentiment your customers share about your brand. Are they satisfied? Dissatisfied? What else could you be doing to improve the customer experience?

Reputation management services, like review monitoring, are essential to know when to respond and when not to respond, and what to say in a crisis. It’s best to leave this step to the reputation management professionals if you’re uncertain of the right way to engage with your brand online.

Protect Your Brand Identity 

You never want to leave the future of your brand’s online identity up to fate. You should always use a reputation management strategy for your brand. Building and protecting your brand’s identity should always stay top of mind for any business owner who wants to build a lasting brand, and it starts with choosing the perfect brand name.

If you’re unsure how to develop your brand or take your brand to the next level, consider hiring a professional reputation management company to help you out. A reputation company can help with personal reputation management and monitoring and set you or your business up for success.

About The Author

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William DiAntonio is the Founder & CEO of Reputation911, a reputation management firm he founded in 2010 that has earned the trust of its clients for over a decade by helping individuals, businesses and brands control their online search results.

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We have helped thousands of individuals and businesses remove and suppress negative content and unwanted search results since 2010.