How To Get Listed In From Sources Across The Web 2024

from sources across the webGoogle is constantly rolling out new features to enable better search. These features allow users to get information quicker, with content displayed in the search results. 

The “Sources Across The Web” feature does just that – display snippets of content directly from websites, or sources. 

Keep reading to learn more about From Sources Across The Web and how it changes the ever-evolving landscape of search results. You will also learn how to put your website on From Sources Across The Web.


What is “Sources Across The Web”?

This is a recently new search feature that shows answers from several sites to a specific search. The search feature shows in 3×3 grid view, with an option to view more.

Here’s an example of what it looks like:

what is sources across the web

From Sources Across The Web displays sources in a 3 x 3 grid, with an option to view more information.

Each box expands when clicked on, showing answers from more websites:

from sources across the web expanded

What Triggers this SERP Feature?

You’ll notice that the “From Sources Across The Web” feature does not appear for every search. Only specific types of searches trigger this feature.

This Google SERP feature is similar to a listicle article. “From Sources Across The Web” shows listicles for broad search terms, rather than specific ones. This helps users find information right on the search results page. 

Going back to our example, it is more likely to appear for a general search term like “marketing ideas”. A more specific term like “small business marketing ideas” probably will not trigger this feature. 

Examples of broad search terms that will trigger this feature include:

  • travel tips
  • fitness trends
  • books to read
  • top colleges
  • sustainability ideas
how to see from sources across the web

The “From Sources Across The Web” feature does not appear for every search query. Instead, it shows up for broad search terms, like “travel tips”.

Benefits Of “Sources Across The Web” For Businesses

“From Sources Across The Web” presents an opportunity for businesses. If you can put your website or article in this feature, you get more visibility and organic traffic.

Other benefits include:

  • Visibility: This feature prominently displays snippets of your website directly on the search results page. This puts your content in front of more eyes, potentially leading to a higher CTR.
  • Credibility: If your site appears in this SERP feature, it means Google sees you as a trusted source. That means users will also tend to see you as a trusted source.
  • Organic Traffic: Higher visibility and credibility leads to a natural uptick in organic web traffic. Users interested in the snippets are more likely to click through to your website for more information.
  • User Engagement: By the time users have clicked on your site, they have already seen a snippet and made a conscious decision to learn more. This makes users more engaged, leading to a lower bounce rate and higher engagement metrics.
  • Market Insights: Featuring alongside competitors gives you insights into trending topics, popular content formats, and gaps that your content can fill.
  • Competitive Edge: Being in this SERP feature gives you an edge over competitors who are not in this feature.

Drawbacks Of “Sources Across The Web” For Businesses

For users, this new feature offers a better way to search. However, some website owners can experience some drawbacks. Here are some of the potential downsides so you can prepare:

  • Increased Competition: This feature uses a significant amount of real estate on the SERP and offers users more options. Their clicks could spread among a wider range of search results, causing an increase in competition for clicks. Websites not listed in this feature could see a slight decrease in CTR.
  • User Preferences & Intent: User preferences can have an impact on CTR. Some users will only look at the sites listed in the feature, while others will continue searching through regular results. The relevance, credibility, and position of regular search results will influence how users search.
  • Barrier to Entry: Established sites with strong SEO and brand recognition may be more likely to be featured. This can create a barrier for smaller sites to break into this feature. To list in this feature, site owners will need to adopt a more robust SEO strategy.

How To List Your Website On “From Sources Across The Web”

Here are five ways for your website to be listed as a source.

Be a reliable source of factual information

If your site appears in this feature, it means that Google sees you as a reliable source of information. To make that happen, your site needs to consistently offer accurate, trustworthy content. Use these tips:

  • Back up your points and opinions with data, facts, and statistics.
  • Fact-check your content and cite credible sources. Misinformation damages your credibility and leads to lower search engine rankings.
  • Write in-depth content that showcases your expertise and establishes your brand as an authority in your niche.
  • Update your website regularly with new information to keep your audience engaged and informed.
  • Invite other industry experts to add to your content or conduct interviews.
how to use data in your content

When writing content, back up your points or opinions with facts, data, and statistics. Make sure to provide citations from reputable sources.

Utilize listicles and roundups

To list your site in “From Sources Across The Web”, create content that mimics the user’s search intent. This feature pops up in broader searches, so users may be looking for lists that give them a starting point for their research.

Use these tips to write a listicle or roundup article:

  • Choose a topic that is both interesting to your audience and has broader appeal. Write about trending topics, evergreen content, and any topic that has a lot of room for opinion.
  • When writing your listicle or roundup, think about what makes it unique from others. You could have an unusual theme, a specific niche, or a new take on a subject.
  • Write a comprehensive article that covers the topic thoroughly. Offer readers a one-stop resource of information.
  • Capture a broad audience by highlighting top user products, services, and ideas in your niche.
  • Use an engaging format that includes a captivating title, bullet points, and numbered lists to improve readability.
  • Curate your list of products, ideas, or tips carefully. Strike a balance of variety and relevance, making sure each point deserves its place in the list.

In addition to publishing your own listicles, try to include yourself in others as well! Reach out to different content creators to see if they will put you in their article.

Other publications may create a listicle of ‘top options”. This is your chance to be included on From Sources Across The Web listed on another website. 

Optimize for mobile

Mobile devices account for 63% of organic search engine visits. You need to optimize your website for mobile users to make your site competitive on Google and rank in “From Sources Across The Web”. Use these tips:

  • Use a responsive web design that adjusts automatically to fit the screen of any device.
  • Ensure fast loading speeds by compressing your image file sizes.
  • Simplify your website’s navigation with a simple, intuitive structure.
  • Minimize the use of pop-ups on mobile, as these can be frustrating on smaller screens.
  • Use the right font sizes and line spacing to ensure users can read your site on a small screen.
  • If you have forms on your site, make sure they are easy to fill out on mobile.
how many google searches are on mobile

63% of organic search engine visits happen on mobile devices. To list your site on “From Sources Across The Web”, optimize your site for mobile devices.

Include broad keywords in your content

“From Sources Across The Web” targets broad search terms, so make sure to use them in your content. Use SEO tools like SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner to find terms that your audience are interested in.

When you find your keywords, include them in the title, subheadings, meta description, and body of your content. However, make sure you fit them in naturally and avoid keyword stuffing. Don’t just create content for the sake of keywords; you need to offer value to your audience.

Make your website “citable” for From Sources Across The Web

Similar to the new Google AI Snapshot, you have to make your website citable for “From Sources Across The Web. This means that it should be easy for Google to pull information out of your blog so users can view it in the snippet.

To make your website citable, use these tips:

  • Write high quality content that people want to read. Offering valuable, engaging content to your reader is the most important Google ranking factor. Content that lacks quality won’t get anywhere in search engine rankings.
  • Structure your content with headings and subheadings (H1, H2, H3, etc), making it easier for users to find information. It also helps search engines understand the relevance and hierarchy of information.
  • Use lists and tables for search queries that involve steps, sequences, comparisons, or lists. Format your answers in bullet points, numbered lists, or tables.
  • Use simple language and avoid jargon or words that your audience would not understand. Write in a clear, to-the-point way to make your content accessible to a wide audience. You can elaborate on points as needed, but get to the point first.
  • Use labels, tags, meta descriptions, and even schema markup to help Google understand the context of your web pages.
  • Google tends to feature content from authoritative sources. Build the overall authority of your website through quality backlinks.

Closing Out: From Sources Across The Web

With every update, Google search works to improve the search experience for users. By using these tips, your website can rank in the “From Sources Across The Web Feature”. Focus on high-quality content, broad keywords, mobile optimization, and cite-ability to improve your chances.

Improving your website’s search engine rankings is an ongoing process. If you need help, our expert team is here for you.

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At Reputation911, we offer reputation management services for businesses and individuals alike. We can improve your search engine rankings, suppress negative results, promote your personal brand, and more. Contact us for a free reputation consultation today.

About The Author

William DiAntonio is the Founder & CEO of Reputation911, a reputation management firm he founded in 2010 that has earned the trust of its clients for over a decade by helping individuals, businesses and brands control their online search results.

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