10 Online Reputation Management Tips
Whether you are managing a business or brand, a positive online reputation can mean the difference between gaining or losing your next customer or client. The impact of a positive online reputation can greatly increase your chances of success. With these 10 online reputation management tips, you’ll be able to take control of your online reputation, address negative press with confidence, and strengthen your brand as a whole.

Google Your Name
Google is a search engine designed to answer questions. When a user types your name into the search bar and hits enter, what kind of results will they find? Any information that mentions your name will find that user, whether it is positive or negative.
Your Google search results define your online image, and contribute to your online reputation. It’s in your best interest to pay attention to your Google search results, especially when making new connections.
Manage Your First Page of Google Results
The first page of Google search results is the most important since the average user will not click past page one. According to a recent study by Chitka, your second page of Google search results will only attract 5% of users, leaving 95% to get all the answers they need on the first page.
The first page of search results is used to create a story that defines your character with the use of links, images, forums, social media profiles, tweets, likes, reviews, etc. that are associated with your brand or business.

Remove Negative Search Results
When your first page of Google search results contains harmful information which could negatively impact your online reputation, your first course of action should always be to remove the negative content directly if possible.
Whether it’s a less than flattering image of you posted on your Facebook page, or a spiteful tweet, social media are one of the easiest places to remove negative content that could be potentially harmful.
Suppress Negative Search Results
Sometimes negative search results are much more serious than just an image or tweet. Links to articles mentioning your name could quickly take over your first page of search results like wildfire.
If you are unable to delete the information yourself, suppression of negative search results is your second best option. Suppression is just as effective as the removal of negative content when it comes to improving your online image and reputation.
In order to suppress the negative search results, you must create new content in association with your name to tell Google that the negative information is not as important as the positive. This can be done with websites, press releases, profiles and other forms of publication. The key is to stay truthful and honest while shedding light on the positive aspects of your brand.
Set Up Google Alerts
Another online reputation management tip is to set up Google Alerts. Setting up Google alerts is a quick and easy way to stay on top of who is mentioning your name, and where it is being published. Staying on top of your mentions allows you to remain in control while addressing and preventing any negative information from escalating into a possible reputation crisis.
Monitor Your Social Media Accounts
Just like monitoring your Google results, you should also stay on top of your social media account interaction. The purpose of all social media platforms is to create a social networking space. Anything posted on social media accounts has the opportunity to be publicly engaged with on a very large scale.
Being mindful of what you post across all social media networks is a simple and effective way to not only maintain but improve your online reputation. Responding to comments and mentions appropriately and effectively can greatly impact the public’s ability to trust you as a likeable and dependable source.

Address Negative Comments With Care
Despite what our egos tell us, negative reviews and comments aren’t always as bad as we think they are. Responding to a negative comment with care and consideration shows the public that you are trustworthy enough to address a concern, and confident enough to offer a positive alternative to a potentially harmful situation for your brand.
Respond to Negative Comments and Reviews Quickly
Though it is incredibly important to handle negative press with care, it’s equally important to respond to negative comments and bad reviews quickly. This is one of the most underlooked online reputation management tips. Even when you aren’t able to offer a full response or solution, you’re better off saying you are aware of the issue and are looking into it, rather than saying nothing at all. You can always go back later with a more detailed response, but reacting quickly shows the person you truly care, as well as showing your audience.
Keep Your Audience a Priority
With the help of email notifications, social media upkeep and Google alerts, you’re able to stay connected with the ones that matter the most, your audience.
If you are a business, making sure to check email, social media, and anywhere your customers might be able to contact you is vital to know what your customers think and possibly find a solution before they create a negative reputation for your business.
Hire A Reputation Management Professional
With these online reputation management tips in mind, professional online reputation management services are an easy and effective way to take full control of your online reputation long term. Working with a professional reputation manager offers online protection to your name, business, or brand.
Professional services like Reputation911 offer the ability to offer full-service reputation management, which includes both personal reputation services and business reputation services. Each client receives a custom plan guaranteed to remove and suppress negative search results, while building up a positive online reputation that will impress anyone searching for you online. Learn more and take control of your online reputation today.